Iñigo Navarro

To explain my interests, it's helpful to recount a small anecdote about my uncle. My uncle, without being able to control it, experiences mystical or paranormal episodes. Specifically, he has episodes of what is technically called "astral projection."

He often tells at family gatherings how, once his spirit escaped, he went to buy sausage without realizing that only his soul was temporarily transmigrating, meaning without a body to carry the sausage back. I try to make the anecdote something universal, elevating the anecdotal to the exceptional. After all, the exceptional, due to the rarity of its condition, should be considered pure anecdote.

The world is vast and overwhelming. And the world of art too. I can't look around without being impressed by a vision of exotic barbarism, typical of southern Europe, almost Africa. We still mortally celebrate the Pamplona bull runs, we hoist the enxanetas to the top of a human tower without fear of falling into the abyss, atheists parade the Macarena amidst tears, we walk barefoot on burning coals, or parents buy firecrackers for their children to celebrate masclets, among many other peculiarities.

It's true that we've changed and now we are many other things, but those many other things, which are generally identical to those of the rest of humanity, do not claim my interest. This anecdote is only the beginning. My imagination takes flight and things start to happen. Everyone knows it's better to die in a magnificent property in Sant Cugat del Vallés than in a suburb of Paris. Inhabiting the ideas of others' creation is one of the most controversial points of our contemporaneity.

If you come across the bogeyman cutting the grass on a Sunday morning, ask him what he thinks of Marcel Duchamp and Sunday's match. Lastly, let me explain one last thing.The choice and refinement of the techniques I deploy have taken me years of study. I walk the same streets that Velázquez, Goya, Sorolla, Casas, or Picasso once walked. I consider that pictorial heritage as important as the narrative itself, and my choice to paint depends not only on my love for painting but also on my general conception of art.Download Curriculum

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