Cecilia Avendaño

Cecilia Avendaño is a photographer and visual artist, holding a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts with a focus on Photography from the University of Chile.

Her recent works involve digital post-production operations based on photography, where she deconstructs images and later articulates them to compose new portraits that blend elements from different models, operating under the concept of identity construction.

Among her notable series are "Precious Diseases" (2015-2019), "e.Merge" (2014-2015), "Blow" (2012), and "PRIDE" (2009). Over the past 15 years, her work has been exhibited in numerous collective and solo exhibitions both in Chile and abroad, including the National Museum of Fine Arts, Galería Animal, Galería Patricia Ready, Sala de Arte CCU, and Isabel Croxatto Galería in Chile; Galería Sicart in Spain, and Reverse in the United States.

In addition, she has participated in important international contemporary art fairs such as Art Central Hong Kong, Contemporary Istanbul, Art Miami, Sydney Contemporary, Swab Barcelona, Lima Photo, and ArteBa, among others. In 2019, she released her artist book "Precious Diseases," which brings together her acclaimed photographic series of the same name along with texts by Andrea Jösch, curator of the project, and writer Rocío Cano, researcher Elisa McCausland, and art theorist Sergio Rojas. She has been awarded four times by the National Fund for Cultural and Arts Development (FONDART) of the State of Chile between 2008 and 2018. During the same period, she was selected to represent Chile at Foto Week DC, Washington DC, and in Photography and Identity at Korea Foundation, Seoul.

Her work is part of prestigious institutional and private collections worldwide, including the DKV Collection (Spain); César Monzonís Collection (Spain); Korea Foundation - Galería Trazos (Seoul, Korea); Cem Yilmaz Collection (Istanbul, Turkey); Embassy of Chile in the United States; Ca.Sa Collection (Santiago, Chile); Engel Collection (Santiago, Chile), Arte Al Limite Collection (Santiago, Chile), and National Fund for Cultures and Arts (Chile). Cecilia Avendaño lives and works in Santiago de Chile.Download Curriculum

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