Andreas Von Gehr

In paintings evoking the impact of the 1973 coup in Chile and the shadow of Operation Condor, the images become a maze of meanings where reality merges with fantasy. Faces torn by repression intertwine with the sinister presence of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other Disney characters, symbolizing the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of Latin America.

The dark and diluted strokes narrate the tragedy of a subjugated people, while the bright colors of the cartoons add a layer of irony and surrealism to the scene. Familiar figures from history are distorted by the presence of these caricatured figures, reminding us of the duality between apparent innocence and dark political reality.In each brushstroke, there is tension between oppression and resistance, between memory and forgetfulness.

The paintings are a reminder of the still-open wounds of a not-so-distant past, but they are also a call to reflect on the role of foreign powers in shaping the destiny of Latin American nations. In these symbol-laden canvases, the images urge us to confront our collective history, to recognize the scars of the past, and to commit to a future where justice and freedom are the true protagonists.

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