The Affordable Art Project emerges as a democratizing response in the contemporary art scene, advocating for a compact format.

The Affordable Art Project emerges as a democratizing response in the contemporary art scene, advocating for a compact format.

In the exciting world of contemporary art, The Affordable Art Project 6x4 emerges as an innovative initiative that challenges conventional barriers in collecting. Conceived by Andrés Rodríguez and Alejandro Soto in 2019, this gallery aims to democratize access to original works by prominent artists and make artistic expressions welcome in every home.

The premise is simple yet powerful: each piece, meticulously framed in an elegant acrylic cap, is presented in a uniform format of 6x4 inches (or postcard size). This standard not only gives the works a captivating visual coherence but also maintains an affordable price for prospective buyers. "We believe that everyone can access quality art without feeling they need to spend a fortune or be knowledgeable about the subject. We want to convince people that collecting contemporary art can be accessible, easy, and fun," commented Alejandro Soto.

The gallery's success lies in its inclusive approach, involving 45 national and international artists selected through a curatorial committee that continuously evaluates different creatives and their proposals. Embracing diversity in styles and artistic approaches, the project encourages collaborators to conceive specific pieces, whether series or polyptychs, each intended to inhabit spaces where contemporary works are not typically featured.
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